Fig. 12.
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EUHFORIA time series at Solar Orbiter (solid red lines) and surrounding virtual spacecraft (separated by Δσ = 5° and 10° from Solar Orbiter in longitude and/or latitude; the combined variability of the time series is indicated as shaded red areas). Solar Orbiter time series from MAG and RPW are shown as black solid lines (a −24-h time shift has been applied to ease the comparison with modeled CME signatures). From top to bottom: solar wind speed, number density, magnetic field strength, components of the magnetic field in RTN coordinates, and plasma β. Bottom panel: the β = 1 threshold distinguishing between plasma- and magnetically dominated structures is marked by the black dashed line. The periods corresponding to the passage of CME1 and CME2 are highlighted in yellow and blue, according to an eye-based identification of the β < 1 periods.
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