Fig. 11.
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3D visualization of the HCS and CME flux-rope magnetic structures at three selected times during propagation from 0.1 au to Solar Orbiter in EUHFORIA. The top panels provide a top view on the equatorial plane, while the bottom panels provide a side view in the Solar Orbiter meridional plane. The spherical contour corresponds to the inner boundary of the EUHFORIA modeling domain at 0.1 au and is colored according to the radial speed of the solar wind plasma at that heliocentric distance. The HCS is marked in gray, and selected magnetic field lines are colored based on the scaled magnetic field strength B(r/1 au)2. The position of Solar Orbiter is indicated on each panel as a blue dot. An animated version for both viewpoints is available online. The animations run from June 3, 2020, 00:03 UT to June 10, 2020, 00:03 UT.
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