Fig. 1.
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Overview of the Solar Orbiter/MAG observations during the period from June 4, 2020, to June 11, 2020. From top to bottom: time profiles of the magnetic field magnitude B and components BR, BT, and BN (blue, green and red lines, respectively), of the θBR angle between the magnetic field vector and the radial direction, and of the elevation (θ) and azimuthal (ϕ) angles (a), and the spectrogram of the normalized magnetic helicity σm in the timescale range between 2 and 128 h (b). Contour lines are drawn at a level of σm = 0.8. The vertical dashed lines in each panel delimit the two helical structures observed by Solar Orbiter upstream and downstream of the HCS crossing (the horizontal dot-dashed line in the second panel indicating BR = 0 guides the reader’s eye to see when the magnetic field radial component changes direction). The cross-hatched area denotes the COI, where the reliability of the results may be affected by edge effects.
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