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Fig. 5


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Comparison of differential luminosities, EdL/dE, for VHE bright SNRs. Luminosities are computed using the differential flux data points and estimated distances in the following references: N132D, this work, d = 50 kpc; Cas A, Ahnen et al. (2017), d = 3.4 kpc; Puppis A, Abramowski et al. (2015a), d = 2.2 kpc; HESS J1640-465, Lemoine-Goumard et al. (2014), d = 10 kpc; and RXJ1713.7-3946, H.E.S.S. Collaboration (2018d), d = 1 kpc. The different shapes of the individual SEDs probably reflect the different emission mechanisms (leptonic or hadronic) and evolutionary stages. See the original references for detailed spectral models.

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