Fig. 3
Overview of the energetic particle, plasma and magnetic field lines during this event. Top panel: spectrogram of the energetic particles, showing signatures of velocity dispersion. Second panel: anisotropy of energetic particles propagating from and toward the Sun. Panels 3–5: plasma conditions as measured by the Solar Wind Electrons Alphas and Protons (SWEAP) Solar Probe Cup (SPC) (Kasper et al. 2016). Bottom panel: magnetic field in Radial, Tangential, Normal (RTN) coordinates (Fränz & Harper 2002), as measured by the FIELDS instrument (Bale et al. 2016). On January 20, we see BR change from positive to negative and BT change from negative to positive, consistent with crossing the heliospheric current sheet. Estimated CME arrival and departure times are shown on the plot, bracketing a low plasma beta period, which is consistent with the passage of a magnetic cloud. Data are averaged into 15-min intervals.
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