Fig. 1
Overview of the spacecraft orientation relative to the CME as it propagates outward from the Sun, using simulation results from the WSA-ENLIL+Cone model as provided by the Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC). The location of PSP is indicated by a green square and the location of STEREO-A by a red square. During this event PSP was inbound at ~0.3 AU, heading toward its fourth encounter. We see that PSP and STEREO-A are radially well-aligned during this period and both observe energetic particle enhancements as the flank of the CME passes over each spacecraft. Three snapshots in time are shown: (a) when energetic particles are first measured by PSP, more than a day before the CME passes over PSP, (b) late in the energetic particle event when the CME is passing over the PSP, and (c) in the middle of the energetic particle event observed by STEREO-A as the CME passes over the spacecraft. Panels d and e are enlarged images of panels b and c to better show the position of the CME. The CME itself is not visible in panel a, and is somewhat faint in the other panels due to the relative weakness of the compression.
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