Open Access

Fig. 1


Left: HGPS significance map (obtained with a correlation radius of 0.1°) with the Fermi-LAT cataloged sources (within 95% uncertainties) overlaid. The blue circle corresponds to the position uncertainty (1σ) of the Fermi-LAT source detected by Guo et al. (2017) above 3 GeV. The H.E.S.S. upper limit on the TeV source extent and the spectral extraction radius Rspec are represented by the dashed and solid yellow circles, respectively. The green contours represent the emission seen by Suzaku between 2 and 8 keV (Suzaku J1427−6051, Fujinaga et al. 2013). The black cross corresponds to the position of 4XMM J142756.7−605214 (see Sect. 3.1.2). Right: MGPS-2 map (843 MHz) toward HESS J1427−608. The red ellipses correspond to the MGPS-2 and PMN cataloged sources outside Rspec, while the cyan and magenta ellipses represent the two MGPS-2 sources inside Rspec. The FWHMof the MGPS-2 is given at the top left of the image. The radio flux extraction region is represented by a white circle (calledRON). The yellow circles and green contours are the same as those in the left panel.

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