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Table 1.

Fiducial parameters of the synthetic data.

Parameter Value
Neutron star parameters
Equatorial radius Re 12.0 km
Mass M 1.4 M
Spin frequency ν 401 Hz
Inclination i 60°
Spot 1 co-latitude θ 20°
Spot angular radius ρ
Pulsar rotation axis position angle χ
Phase shift Δϕ
Spot 2 co-latitude θ2
Spot 2 longitude difference ϕ12

Emission model parameters
Electron gas temperature Te 50 keV
Thomson optical depth τ 1
Seed photon temperature Tbb 1 keV
Scattered photon fraction Xsc 0.6
Photon spectral index Γ 1.8
Maximum initial polarization pmax 0

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