Open Access

Fig. 4.


Deviation between tidal-chronology age and gyrochronology age as a function of the ratio Prot, ⋆/Porb, p. The dashed line is a linear fit considering the full dataset. The dash-dotted line is also a linear fit but omitting the WASP-4 and Qatar-1 systems from the dataset. The red dots are the systems for which tidal-spin up is suspected while the blue dots are systems without tidal spin-up. The dashed line corresponds to a linear fit to the full data while the dash-dotted line is a linear fit to the same data but without the WASP-4 and Qatar-1 systems that are located in the lower-right corner of the plot (with a ratio ∼16% and a deviation lower about 7 and 30%, respectively). The size of the points increases for increasing quality factor extracted from Table 1.

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