Fig. A.1
For Runs 1–3 (left to right), solar wind H+ test particle traces (injected near the front wall with vi =Ue) and Mms = 2 colored with the Y coordinate, i.e. the off-plane distance. The magnetosonic Mach numbers calculated separately for electron bulk fluid velocity Ue (magenta) and center-of-mass velocity vtot (orange; holes in this contour are artifacts from visualization at grid refinenent interfaces) are shown at the Mms = 2 contour, andfor the solar wind proton bulk velocity as background color on the XZ plane. The proton Mach number color scale is chosen so that Mms = 2 is noted by white and true subsonic flow Mms ≤ 1 by yellow to pink for a decreasing Mach number. For Run 1, is larger than 2 almost everywhere. The apparent lack of an SW cavity for Runs 2 and 3 is due to particles moving into and out of the plane of view. This is shown by the color of the traces.
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