Fig. 17
RVs of three spectral lines in the spectrum of HD 1461 that passes over CCD stitching boundaries. We plot those RVs as a function of phase during the year, because due to Earth orbiting around the Sun, the stellar spectrum will move on theCCD with a period of a year. This implies that the spectral lines selected here will pass over CCD stitching boundaries, shown in these plots with the red vertical dashed lines, always at the same phase. The top panels show the RV derived using the standard DRS and the middle panels the RV derived with the correction described in this paper. We show in the bottom panels the difference between those two RV sets. The blue horizontal lines represent the median RV before and after the spectral line passes over the CCD stitching boundary. As we can see, the significant offset between the DRS RVs before and after the CCD stitching boundary disappears in the RVs derived with the correction described in this paper, proving that we consider correctly the different pixel sizes at the stitching positions.
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