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Fig. 3.


Two uppermost rows: AO NIR images of 3C 294 from earlier publications. Panel A: Keck II NIRSPEC K′ image from Stockton et al. (2004), Panel B: Subaru IRCS K′ image also from Stockton et al. (2004), Panel C: CFHT Hokupa K′ image from Stockton et al. (1999), and Panel D: Keck II SCam H-band image from Quirrenbach et al. (2001). The images A-D are adapted from Stockton et al. (2004). The three images right of image D show R (HST), H, and K CFHT PUEO data from Steinbring et al. (2002). Two lowest rows: our LBT FLAO and LUCI JHKs-images of 3C 294. The fourth image shows the scale, orientation, and apertures for the components used for the photometric analysis. They are 36 × 26 pixel () for components a and b and 20 × 20 pixel () for component c. The labeling follows Steinbring et al. (2002). The cross marks the position of the radio core, its size reflects its positional error.

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