Fig. 8.

Variation of I2 (blue) and I3 (red) for three orbits. Over the short time-length of the order of an average rotation period (Δt = 3), the variations of the quasi-integrals are significantly smaller compared to the variations over long periods. The largest variations of the quasi-integrals are observed for I3(∼ − 0.2) (bottom curve) of the box orbit (I2 ∼ 0). The sharp variations of I3 are related to the passage at the pericentre. The short-axis tube (I2 ∼ I3 ∼ 0.1) and the long-axis tube (I2 ∼ −0.1 and I3 ∼ 0.5) orbits have smoother variations of the quasi-integrals.
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