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Table 2.

One–zone SSC model results.

MJD (χ2/d.o.f.) B γbrk p1 p2 Ue η
(10−2 G) (106) (10−3 erg cm−3) [Ue/UB]
56009 V (34.0/13) 2.26 0.85 1.90 2.87 11.96 589
56015 V (29.9/11) 2.34 0.81 1.90 2.87 9.27 425
56032 M (19.9/10) 2.99 0.49 1.88 2.77 5.20 146
56034 V (24.3/12) 2.22 0.90 1.86 2.90 6.88 350
56036 M (21.0/11) 2.00 1.07 1.93 2.96 10.50 659
56038 V (19.8/10) 2.55 0.63 1.78 2.82 4.50 173
56040 M (18.8/11) 3.00 0.51 1.91 2.93 5.98 166
56046 V (23.5/12) 3.26 0.41 1.81 2.82 4.30 102
56061 V (24.0/10) 2.65 0.65 1.78 2.82 4.66 166
56066 V (36.0/12) 3.39 0.42 1.70 2.73 5.11 112
56073 V (13.3/11) 2.00 1.28 1.93 2.96 11.70 736
56076 M (19.7/10) 2.13 0.81 1.69 2.70 6.57 361
56077 V (17.7/9) 1.96 1.07 1.80 2.82 9.29 607
56087 M (62.5/12) 1.64 1.70 1.89 2.91 21.30 1398
56090 V (32.7/10) 2.21 0.91 1.86 2.83 10.10 520
56094 M (18.0/10) 2.98 0.50 2.00 2.97 7.04 199
56095 M (16.8/10) 2.25 0.84 1.68 2.73 6.78 336

Notes. The following parameters were fixed: region size (R) 2.65 × 1016 cm, the Doppler factor (δ) 10, γmin 3.17 × 102 and γmax 7.96 × 106. V refers to VERITAS and M to MAGIC observations.

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