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Fig. 6.


Left: compton y-map and RGB SDSS image of PSZ2 G086.28+74.76. The black contours correspond to the 3, 5, and 6 × 10−6 levels of the Compton y-map in this area. The red circle indicates the nominal PSZ2 position. Big white circle overlapping the RGB image corresponds to 1 Mpc at z = 0.7. We found that the SZ signal comes from a cluster at zspec of 0.699. We find 12 likely galaxy members at (small circles). The BCG is at zspec = 0.6995. Right: PSZ2 G270.78+36.83 (bottom) and PSZ2 G270.88+37.23 (top) are two sources separated by the distance of about 25′. We identify one counterpart for PSZ2 G270.88+37.23 at zphot ∼ 0.23 (cyan circle) and two counterparts for PSZ2 G270.78+36.83 at zphot ∼ 0.52 and zphot ∼ 0.22 (magenta and blue circles), respectively. The red small circles indicate the nominal PSZ2 source coordinates and the size of the circles corresponds to 1 Mpc at the cluster redshift. We insert the zoomed RGB images of the centres of these clusters. Scale bar in the RGB images is 20″.

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