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Table 1

Telescopes and instruments at ORM used in this optical follow-up validation programme.

Telescope Instrument FoV Pixel scale [′′] Resolution Nima Nspec
2.5 m INT WFC 0.33 42
3.6 m TNG DOLORES 8.′6 × 8.′6 0.252 R = 600 1 20
4.2 m WHT ACAM 0.253 R = 400 71 2
10.4 m GTC OSIRIS 7.′8 × 7.′8 0.254 R = 500 26

Notes. Columns 3 to 5 show field of view, the pixel scale and the resolution used in the imaging and spectroscopic observing mode. The last two columns list the total number of clusters observed performing imaging and spectroscopy.

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