Table A.2


Column Unit Description
Flux_Spec_Energy_1_10_TeV erg cm-2 s-1 PL or ECPL energy flux in the 1–10 TeV range, depending on Spectral_Model
Flux_Spec_Energy_1_10_TeV_Err erg cm-2 s-1 Statistical error (1 sigma) on Flux_Spec_Energy_1_10_TeV
Energy_Spec_PL_Pivot TeV Reference energy E0, see Eq. (24)
Flux_Spec_PL_Diff_Pivot cm-2 s-1 TeV-1 Differential flux at pivot energy
Flux_Spec_PL_Diff_Pivot_Err cm-2 s-1 TeV-1 Statistical error (1 sigma) on Flux_Spec_PL_Diff_Pivot
Flux_Spec_PL_Diff_1TeV cm-2 s-1 TeV-1 Differential flux at 1 TeV
Flux_Spec_PL_Diff_1TeV_Err cm-2 s-1 TeV-1 Statistical error (1 sigma) on Flux_Spec_PL_Diff_1TeV
Index_Spec_PL Spectral index
Index_Spec_PL_Err Statistical error (1 sigma) on Index_Spec_PL
Energy_Spec_ECPL_Pivot TeV Reference energy E0 (Eq. (25))
Flux_Spec_ECPL_Diff_Pivot cm-2 s-1 TeV-1 Differential flux at pivot energy
Flux_Spec_ECPL_Diff_Pivot_Err cm-2 s-1 TeV-1 Statistical error (1 sigma) on Flux_Spec_ECPL_Diff_Pivot
Flux_Spec_ECPL_Diff_1TeV cm-2 s-1 TeV-1 Differential flux at 1 TeV
Flux_Spec_ECPL_Diff_1TeV_Err cm-2 s-1 TeV-1 Statistical error (1 sigma) on Flux_Spec_ECPL_Diff_1TeV
Index_Spec_ECPL Spectral index
Index_Spec_ECPL_Err Statistical error (1 sigma) on Index_Spec_ECPL
Lambda_Spec_ECPL TeV-1 Spectral cutoff fit parameter (inverse cutoff energy)
Lambda_Spec_ECPL_Err TeV-1 Statistical error (1 sigma) on Lambda_Spec_ECPL
Flux_Spec_PL_Int_1TeV cm-2 s-1 Integral flux above 1 TeV
Flux_Spec_PL_Int_1TeV_Err cm-2 s-1 Statistical error (1 sigma) on Flux_Spec_PL_Int_1TeV
Flux_Spec_ECPL_Int_1TeV cm-2 s-1 Integral flux above 1 TeV
Flux_Spec_ECPL_Int_1TeV_Err cm-2 s-1 Statistical error (1 sigma) on Flux_Spec_ECPL_Int_1TeV
N_Flux_Points Number of flux points
Flux_Points_Energy TeV Energy value
Flux_Points_Energy_Min TeV Lower bound of energy bin
Flux_Points_Energy_Max TeV Upper bound of energy bin
Flux_Points_Flux cm-2 s-1 TeV-1 Differential flux at given energy
Flux_Points_Flux_Err_Lo cm-2 s-1 TeV-1 Lower error on Flux_Points_Flux
Flux_Points_Flux_Err_Hi cm-2 s-1 TeV-1 Upper error on Flux_Points_Flux
Flux_Points_Flux_UL cm-2 s-1 TeV-1 Upper limit on Flux_Points_Flux
Flux_Points_Flux_Is_UL Boolean flag when to use Flux_Points_Flux_UL

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