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Table 1
UV upturn in early-type galaxy FUV-NUV samples.
Reference | Redshift range | Galaxies | Statistics |
Rich et al. (2005) | 0–0.2 | Early types | 172 |
Boselli et al. (2005) | 0 | Virgo early types | 264 |
Boselli et al. (2014) | 0 | Virgo centrals | 7 |
Ree et al. (2007) | 0–0.2 | BCGs | 12 |
Donahue et al. (2010) | 0.06–0.18 | BCGs | 10a |
Loubser & Sánchez-Blázquez (2011) | 0 | BCGs | 36 |
This work (all, FUV measurements) | 0.05–0.35 | BCGs | 166 |
This work (best sampleb) | 0.05–0.35 | BCGs | 64 |
This work (confirmed upturnc) | 0.05–0.35 | BCGs | 27 |
Notes. (a) Number of FUV detections. (b) Sample with low uncertainty on the central color (sum of uncertainties on each side lower than 1.2 mag) and excluding galaxies flagged as contaminated. (c) Red global NUV-r color and blue central FUV-NUV color (see Sect. 3.1).
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