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Table 1

Observational details.

Object UT date (start/end) Rh Δ Integration Beam (′′) Primary Secondary 233 GHz flux
(AU) (AU) time calibrator calibrator density (mJy)

Huya 25-Jan-2016/11:41–12:04 28.51 28.55 1119 s 1.30′′× 0.97′′ Titan J1550+0527 0.614 ± 0.072
2002 GZ32 29-Jan-2016/11:32–11:55 18.17 18.62 1119 s 1.26′′× 0.91′′ J1751+0939 J1733-1304 0.540 ± 0.026
Makemake 02-Mar-2016/06:54–07:16 52.44 52.62 1119 s 1.09′′× 0.86′′ J1229+0203 J1303+2433 1.185 ± 0.085
Chariklo 05-Mar-2016/11:28–11:50 15.29 15.62 1119 s 0.84′′× 0.75′′ J1924-2914 J1826-3650 1.286 ± 0.090
Chiron 26-Mar-2016/14:56– 15:17 18.30 19.27 1119 s 0.81′′× 0.75′′ Pallas J0006-0623 0.311 ± 0.027
Bienor 15-May-2016/15:06–15:28 15.57 16.51 1119 s 1.05′′× 0.62′′ J0237+2848 J0238+1636 0.353 ± 0.029

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