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Table 4

Adopted values for ηmb, ηA, HPBW, and point-source sensitivity S/(i.e., Kelvin to Jansky conversion factor) = (2kB/Ag)(ηl/ηA) for one spot frequency per mixer.

Mixer f η mb η A HPBW K-to-Jy
GHz ′′ Jy/K

1H 480 0.62 0.65 43.1 482
1V 480 0.62 0.63 43.5 497
2H 640 0.64 0.64 32.9 489
2V 640 0.66 0.66 32.8 474
3H 800 0.62 0.63 26.3 497
3V 800 0.63 0.66 25.8 474
4H 960 0.63 0.64 21.9 489
4V 960 0.64 0.65 21.7 482
5H 1120 0.59 0.54 19.6 580
5V 1120 0.59 0.55 19.4 569
6H 1410 0.58 0.59 14.9 531
6V 1410 0.58 0.60 14.7 522
7H 1910 0.57 0.56 11.1 559
7V 1910 0.60 0.59 11.1 531

Notes. This table is to be compared to Table 5 in Roelfsema et al. (2012), which uses the same spot frequencies, but outdated efficiencies and beam widths.

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