Fig. A.2
Bias, defined as the median of (zMUSE−pz) / (1 + zMUSE) as a function of F775W magnitude (top), F775W−F160W colour (middle), and zMUSE (bottom) from fitting EAZY to the S14 photometry. The pink thin, solid line shows the results using the photo-zs from Skelton et al. (2014), while the thicker black line shows the results after using the optimised EAZY settings described in the text. The dash-dotted orange line shows the results when excluding the medium-band filters, the dashed blue line the result when excluding all ground-based photometry, and then short-dashed grey line shows the result when only HST photometry is included in the fit. The results from the BPZ code run on the R15 photometry is included for reference as the dashed red line (BEAGLE, and EAZY run on R15 photomety gives similar results).
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