Fig. 4

QSL distribution in the domain. Panel a: top view of the Q-factor distribution at z = 0 between Min(log Q) = 1 in white and Max(log Q) = 8 (black) with pink and blue iso-contours of the vertical magnetic field (see Fig. 3). Panel b: top view of the AIA 1600 Å chromospheric ribbons co-aligned with red Q iso-contours such as log Q = 6.5, and the fan and spine separatrix field lines. Panels c and d: 3D view of the same Q-map grey-scaled and the vertical magnetic field, respectively, with the fan and spine separatrices and the QSL-halo connectivities. The dark blue and yellow field lines shows respectively the spine and fan separatrix field lines; the red and purple lines belong to the outer spine QSL-halo and connect respectively the north and the east of the fan (see text for details). The x- and y-axis units are in arcseconds defined by the CEA projection.
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