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Table C.3

Emission line measurements of the host galaxy system of LSQ14mo in the observed frame.

Position A

Line λ (Å) Flux Error rms EW (Å) Luminosity

[ O ii ]  3727 498 3 0.7 58 101
[ Ne iii ]  3868 39.2 3.5 1.2 4.6 7.9
Hδ 4102 23.1 2.3 0.8 2.7 4.7
Hγ 4340 53 2 0.6 3 11
[ O iii ]  4363 4.63 1.28 0.47 1.1 0.94
Hβ 4861 137 1 0.4 11 28
[ O iii ]  4959 121 1 0.3 12 25
[ O iii ]  5007 332 8 2.1 32 67
[ O i ]  6300 35 2 0.6 5 7
[ N ii ]  6548 11.6 1.6 0.6 1.7 2.4
Hα 6563 425 3 0.6 68 86
[ N ii ]  6583 48 2 0.6 8 10
[ S ii ]  6717 93 3 0.9 15 19
[ S ii ]  6731 60 3 0.9 10 12

Position B

Line λ (Å) Flux Error rms EW (Å) Luminosity

[ O ii ]  3727 74 0.8 0.13 90 15
[ Ne iii ]  3868 12 0.4 0.13 9 2.4
Hδ 4102 7.4 0.33 0.11 4 1.5
Hγ 4340 13 0.2 0.06 14 2.7
[ O iii ]  4363
Hβ 4861 31 0.4 0.08 40 6.3
[ O iii ]  4959 39 0.3 0.08 45 8.0
[ O iii ]  5007 119 3.5 0.49 144 24
[ O i ]  6300 6.1 0.63 0.20 11 1.2
[ N ii ]  6548
Hα 6563 80 1.1 0.13 219 16
[ N ii ]  6583 2.7 0.41 0.13 9 0.6
[ S ii ]  6717 7.8 0.79 0.21 23 1.6
[ S ii ]  6731 6.9 0.81 0.21 25 1.4

Position C

Line λ (Å) Flux Error rms EW (Å) Luminosity

[ O ii ]  3727 53 1.0 0.19 60 10.8
[ Ne iii ]  3868 8.8 0.54 0.15 9 1.8
Hδ 4102 – –
Hγ 4340 9.3 0.43 0.13 4 1.9
[ O iii ]  4363 – –
Hβ 4861 23 0.5 0.12 21 4.8
[ O iii ]  4959 26 0.7 0.18 23 5.2
[O iii ]  5007 77 6.2 1.11 70 15.7
[O i ]  6300 – –
[ N ii ]  6548 – –
Hα 6563 64 1.5 0.24 107 13.0
[ N ii ]  6583 3.7 0.83 0.24 8 0.7
[ S ii ]  6717 6.8 0.81 0.22 13 1.4
[ S ii ]  6731 5.0 0.80 0.22 11 1.0

Notes. The spectra have been corrected for Milky Way reddening corresponding to a dust extinction of AV = 0.20. We measured the emission line fluxes after subtracting the stellar continuum from the starlight spectral synthesis models. The error is derived by the Eq. (B.1). We fixed the FWHM widths at the values derived from the [ O iii ] λ4959 line, which correspond to the FORS2 resolution (9.05, 9.06, and 9.21 Å for positions A, B, and C, respectively). The relativity large rms and error of [ O iii ] λ5007 is due to a strong sky line nearby. For luminosity, we have not applied host galaxy dust reddening corrections. The internal host extinction at position A is AV = 0.26 derived by the intrinsic ratio of Hα and Hβ , and negligible at positions B and C. The unit of Flux, Error, rms of × 10-18 erg s-1 cm-2, Luminosity of × 1039 erg s-1.

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