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Fig. 8


VLT+FORS2 spectrum of LSQ14mo (position C) in black, with the stellar population model subtracted and corrected to restframe luminosity. The restframe spectrum of the broad-line type Ic SN 1998bw at +337d (Patat et al. 2001), scaled to the distance of LSQ14mo, is shown in red, indicating the strength of the [ O i ] λλ6300, 6364 doublet. The green spectrum is SN 1998bw multiplied by a factor 5. The blue spectrum shows LSQ14mo with the SN 1998bw ×5 spectrum added, illustrating an upper limit to the detection of the [ O i ] λλ6300, 6364 doublet. A broad feature of this strength would have been visible in the LSQ14mo spectrum. The atmospheric telluric absorption features are marked with the Earth symbol.

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