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Fig. 6


Bolometric light curves of LSQ14mo and alternative model fits. Black empty circles show the pseudo bolometric light curve from ugri photometry and blue squares show the final bolometric light curve integrated from UVW2 to K. The fully trapped magnetar model shown with a red curve indicates a magnetar with a magnetic field of 5.1 × 1014 G and an initial spin period of 3.9 ms and an SN ejecta mass of Mej = 3.9 M. The Ni-powered model requires 7 M of 56Ni, which is ~ 90% of the SN ejecta mass. The interacting model gives a SN ejecta of Mej = 3.3M and a dense (ρCSM = 7 × 10-13 g cm-3) CSM of MCSM = 2.0M .

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