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Table A.2

Radial velocity time series for GJ 3323.

BJD – 2 400 000 RV σ RV FWHM Contrast BIS S-index Hα
[km s-1] [km s-1] [km s-1] [km s-1]

52 986.721748 42.44749 0.00212 3.03195 27.57384 –12.03000 5.92003 0.13107
52 997.681842 42.44901 0.00333 3.03125 26.59910 –21.51800 3.46817 0.11630
53 343.728670 42.45623 0.00234 3.01471 27.21297 –10.98700 4.29847 0.15122
54 174.512651 42.45516 0.00167 3.00959 27.37128 –10.46400 3.26599 0.09855
54 732.819933 42.45234 0.00303 3.02512 26.90758 –12.95900 4.35294 0.17680

Notes. The full version is available at the CDS.

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