Fig. 8
Top: GJ 3323 periodograms of RVs (black curve), (blue curve), Hα (red curve), and FWHMCCF (green curve) for subsets satisfying BJD-2 450 000: 6500–6800, 6800–7200, and 7200–7500. The left column corresponds to raw RVs and the right column to the residues of subtracting the Keplerian adjusted to the 5.4-day signal. We note the temporal stability of the shorter RV periodicity and that the one at 40 days also shows power excess in the FWHMCCF (first and second rows of right column). Bottom: periodogram for the V-band ASAS photometry with BJD between 2800–3200 and 3500–4000. Significant power excess arises at about 90 days.
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