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Fig. 3


Top panel: black, red, blue and green curves depict the periodogram of the GJ 3138 RVs after removing the 1.22 and 6.0 days periodicities, Hα, , and FWHMCCF, respectively. The first row shows periodograms for BJD-2 450 000 between 6500 and 6700, second row for 6700–7200, and third row for 7200–7500. The second row shows that RVs and Hα have a power excess at the same periodicity. RVs–Hα anti-correlation is subtracted (see text). Bottom panel: 77 radial velocities as a function of the Hα for BJD from 2 456 700 to 2 457 200. The phase for a periodicity of 48.2 days is color-coded. The linear fit is used to correct the RV interval.

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