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Table 1
Numerical values for the parameters of the viscous solar model.
Parameter | Symbol | Numerical value |
Size of the domain | δ | R/ 10 |
Radius at ξ = 0 | R | 0.718 R⊙ |
Horizontal wavelength | k | 2.5 /R |
Period | P | 22 yr |
Density | ρ | 0.21 g / cm3 |
Ohmic diffusivity | η | 105−1010 cm2/ s |
Viscosity | ν | 105−1012 cm2/ s |
Magnetic Prandtl number | Prm | 1 |
Differential rotation amplitude | U0 | 3 × 104 cm / s |
Poloidal magnetic field amplitude | B0 | 102−105 G |
Toroidal magnetic field amplitude | β B0 | 103−106 G |
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