Fig. 1

Comparison between the rotation curves of halos in the NIHAO hydrodynamical simulation and the HI kinematics of field dwarfs. Observed and simulated dwarfs are matched by requiring that their HI linewidth-derived rotational velocities are within the Vrot,HI = 10−25km s-1 interval (individual Vrot,HI values are denoted respectively by blue and black tickmarks near the left y-axis). The black solid lines are total mass (i.e., dark+baryonic) circular velocity profiles for NIHAO dwarfs, extracted from the hydrodynamic runs of the simulation. The blue data points are instead rotational velocities measured at the outermost HI radius for observed dwarfs, corrected for pressure support. The orange data points are stellar kinematic measurements at the half-light radius for a sample of isolated dwarfs within the Local Group (Kirby et al. 2014). The only difference between the left and right panel is that the former shows objects with small kinematic radii (Rout< 1.5 kpc), while the latter shows objects with larger kinematic radii (Rout> 1.5 kpc). See Sect. 4 for the scientific interpretation of this figure.
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