Table 1
Swift/BAT6 sample of LGRB host galaxies at 1 < z < 2 with metallicity determination, visible from the southern hemisphere.
Host galaxy | Redshift | Log(M⋆/M⊙) | SFR | Metallicity |
[M⊙ yr-1] | 12 + log (O/H) | |||
GRB080413B | 1.1012 | 9.3 | 2.1![]() |
8.4![]() |
GRB090926B | 1.2427 | 10.28 | 26![]() |
8.44![]() |
GRB061007∗ | 1.2623 | 9.22 |
![]() |
8.16 ![]() |
GRB061121∗ | 1.3160 | 10.31 | 44.2![]() |
8.5![]() |
GRB071117∗ | 1.3293 | < 10.12 | > 2.8 | 8.4![]() |
GRB100615A | 1.3979 | 9.27 | 8.6![]() |
8.14![]() |
GRB070306 | 1.4965 | 10.53 | 101![]() |
8.45![]() |
GRB060306 | 1.5597 | 10.5 | 17.6![]() |
9.12![]() |
GRB080605 | 1.6408 | 10.53 | 47.0![]() |
8.46![]() |
GRB080602 | 1.8204 | 9.99 | 125.0![]() |
8.56![]() |
GRB060814 | 1.9223 | 10.82 | 54.0![]() |
8.38![]() |
Notes. There are 4 LGRBs in the 1 <z< 2 sample for which we could not determine the metallicity of their host galaxies: GRB 050318, GRB 050802, GRB 060908, and GRB 091208B. Indeed, there are no useful spectra to this purpose for the host galaxies of GRB 091208B and GRB 050318. For the host galaxies of GRB 050802 and GRB 060908 we obtained X-shooter spectroscopy (Prog. ID: 097.D-0672; PI: S.D. Vergani), but the spectra do not show sufficient emission lines to allow the metallicity determination.
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