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Table 1

Properties of the observed lines.

λ [μm] Transition ncrit [cm-3] Eu/k [K] Aij [s-1]

OH 84.6a J = 7/2–5/2+ 1 (10)i 291 5.20 (–01)
OH 119.4a J = 5/2+–3/2 1 (09)i 120 1.38 (–01)
CH+ 119.8b J = 3–2 4 (09)j 240 2.20 (–01)
CH+ 179.6b J = 2–1 6 (08)j 120 6.10 (–02)
CH+ 359.0b J = 1–0 7 (07)j 40 6.36 (–03)
CO 137.3c J = 19–18 5 (06)k 1050 6.65 (–04)
13CO 227.1d J = 12–11 2 (06)k 412 1.52 (–04)
C18O 341.5e J = 8–7 6 (05)k 190 4.47 (–05)
[CII] 157.7f 2P3/22P1/2 3 (03)l 91 2.29 (–06)
[OI] 145.5g 3P03P1 2 (05)l 327 1.66 (–05)
H2O 269.3h 111-000 1 (09)m 53 1.84 (–02)
H2O 398.7h 211-200 3 (08)m 137 7.05 (–03)

Notes. Columns: wavelength (λ), transition, critical density (ncrit), upper level energy temperature (Eu/k), and Einstein coefficient (Aij). Numbers in parenthesis are power of 10.

Reference. References for the rest frequencies are: a) Pickett et al. (1998); b) Müller (2010); c) Winnewisser et al. (1997); d) Cazzoli et al. (2004); e) Klapper et al. (2001); f) Cooksy et al. (1986); g) Zink et al. (1991); h) Yu et al. (2012). The critical densities were calculated using the collisional rates with i) ortho-H2 (Offer et al. 1994); j) He (Hammami et al. 2008; Hammami et al. 2009); k) H2 (Yang et al. 2010); l) H0 (Launay & Roueff 1977); and m) para-H2 (Dubernet & Grosjean 2002; Phillips et al. 1996).

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