Fig. 10
Top panel: phase folded curve of the radial velocity using the 8.7 d period. Grey dots are the raw radial-velocity measurements after subtracting the mean value and the 43.9 d signal. Bottom panel: phase folded curve of the radial velocity using the 43.9 d period using a double-harmonic sine curve. Grey dots and black asterisks are the raw radial-velocity measurements after subtracting the mean value and the 8.7 d signal. Red dots are the same points binned in phase with a bin size of 0.1. The error bar of a given bin is estimated using the weighted standard deviation of binned measurements divided by the square root of the number of measurements included in this bin. This estimation of the bin error bars assumes white noise, which is justified by the binning in phase and which regroups points that are uncorrelated in time.
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