Fig. 4
Aperture-synthesis images of η Car reconstructed with the differential-phase method (see Sect. 2; spectral resolution R = 12 000). Top: continuum-normalized Brγ line profile. The presented spectrum is the average of all spectra of the data listed in Table 1. The small correction due to the system velocity of − 8 km s-1(Smith 2004) has been neglected. Bottom: wavelength and velocity dependence (velocities in units of km s-1 below the images) of the reconstructed η Car images across the Brγ line. The FOV of the reconstructed images is 50 × 50 mas (118 × 118 au; 1 mas corresponds to 2.35 au). North is up, and east is to the left. In all images, the peak brightness is normalized to unity. At radial velocities between approximately −339 and − 252 km s-1, the images are fan-shaped and extended to the SE of the center of the continuum wind region.
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