Table 2

Measured redshift and its associated error for each cluster member within R = 1 Mpc for XLSSC 081, XLSSC 085, XLSSC 086, and within R = 500 kpc for XLSSC 082, XLSSC 083, and XLSSC 084.

Cluster name RA (2000) Dec (2000) z

XLSSC 081 33.03092 –6.21239 0.4217 ± 0.0006
33.05433 –6.21797 0.4310 ± 0.0006
33.07499 –6.16943 0.4365 ± 0.0008
33.08085 –6.21790 0.4285 ± 0.0008
33.05150 –6.21080 0.4266 ± 0.0004
XLSSC 082 32.69952 –6.17843 0.4310 ± 0.0003
32.71404 –6.17883 0.4240 ± 0.0005
32.71432 –6.17522 0.4239 ± 0.0004
32.71715 –6.17787 0.4201 ± 0.0007
XLSSC 083 32.71678 –6.18519 0.4399 ± 0.0005
32.73504 –6.19842 0.4298 ± 0.0005
32.73862 –6.20253 0.4422 ± 0.0006
XLSSC 084 32.75402 –6.20126 0.4180 ± 0.0011
32.76217 –6.21303 0.4324 ± 0.0005
32.76234 –6.19310 0.4312 ± 0.0017
32.77803 –6.21378 0.4286 ± 0.0011
XLSSC 085 32.86146 –6.18232 0.4283 ± 0.0007
32.86293 –6.20681 0.4355 ± 0.0006
32.86983 –6.19639 0.4288 ± 0.0005
32.88399 –6.21361 0.4267 ± 0.0007
XLSSC 086 32.79592 –6.16700 0.4243 ± 0.0005
32.79750 –6.19569 0.4310 ± 0.0005
32.80875 –6.16600 0.4235 ± 0.0008
32.80908 –6.15931 0.4235 ± 0.0005
32.81446 –6.18642 0.4109 ± 0.0005

Notes. The choice of a different radius is dictated by the need to avoid overlapping between the last three clusters.

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