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Table 1

Statistically measured physical parameters of 20 EUV active region jets.

Date Time (UT) Lifetime Active Sunspot GOES X-ray flare Type III RHESSI Jet velocity Hα HMI DEM peak temperature
in 193 Å (in min) region configuration Start time (UT) (UT) (keV) (km s-1) log T [K]

2010 Aug. 02 17:10–17:35 25 11092 (N13 E07) α B 1.8 (17:21) 17:25 R1, R2 236 a FE 6.3
2010 Sep. 17 00:15–00:31 16 11106 (S20 W09) β B 5.7 (00:14) 00:16 194 b FEC 6.0
2011 Feb. 14 12:51–13:02 11 11158 (S20 W17) βγ 12:51 208 d FC 6.0
2011 Feb. 16 13:33–13:42 09 11158 (S21 W41) βγδ 13:33 R1, R2, R3 207 d FEC 6.0
2011 Mar. 01 12:53–13:18 25 11165 (S21 W00) β 12:53 87 d FC 6.3
2011 Mar. 07 21:33–22:12 39 11166 (N11 E13) βγ 21:48 203 d FE 6.3
2011 Oct. 17 19:48–20:04 16 11314 (N28 W32) ββ 19:49 520 b FC 6.3
2011 Dec. 11 03:17–03:26 09 11374 (S17 E27) α B 8.6 (03:20) 03:17 R1, R2 165 a FE 6.2
2011 Dec. 11 12:15–12:49 34 11374 (S17 E27) α 12:15 R1, R2 278 d FC 6.3
2011 Dec. 11 23:14–23:34 20 11374 (S17 E27) α 23:14 R1, R2 165 a FC 6.3
2012 Mar. 05 21:51–22:00 09 11429 (N18 E41) βγδ 21:51 532 b FC 6.0
2012 Oct. 10 14:21–14:45 24 11585 (S20 W43) β C 2.1 (14:25) 14:31 R2 259 d FC 6.2
2013 Mar. 02 11:49–11:57 08 11681 (N17 W08) αγ B 6.0 (11:48) 11:51 316 d FEC 6.0
2013 Mar. 02 12:04–12:25 21 11681 (N17 W08) αγ B 6.0 (11:48) 12:04 210 d FE 6.3
2013 Apr. 28 20:59–21:11 12 11731 (N09 E23) βγ C 1.5 (20:59) 320 b FEC 6.2
2013 Apr. 28 22:51–22:59 08 11731 (N09 E23) βγ 168 b FE 6.2
2013 May 04 23:15–23:49 34 11734 (S19 W04) βγδ C 1.3 (23:25) 23:15 R1, R2, R3, R4 283 b FC 6.3
2013 May 25 08:42–08:55 13 11748 (N12 W83) βγδ R1, R2 322 d FE 6.2
2013 Jun. 17 08:41–09:06 25 11770 (S13 E13) α 08:52 R1, R2, R3 409 c FC 6.2
2013 Jun. 18 15:13–15:39 26 11770 (S14 E02) α 15:13 R1, R2, R3, R4 338 b FC 6.2

Notes. Hα Surge visible in a: Solar Magnetic Activity Research Telescope (SMART) Hida Observatory; b: Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO); c: Kanzelhöhe Observatory; d: Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) data; R1: RHESSI 36 keV; R2: RHESSI 612 keV; R3: RHESSI 1225 keV; R4: RHESSI 2550 keV; FE: Flux Emergence; FEC: Flux Emergence and then Cancellation; FC: Flux Cancellation.

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