Fig. A.2

Jet 3: 2011 February 14 – Left panel: AIA 171 Å image of the jet, observed on 2011 February 14. The jet appeared to evolve from the edge of the active region, 11158 (S20 W17), which was associated with a positive-polarity sunspot. A small-scale brightening was observed at 12:58 UT at the jet footpoint before the jet evolution and the jet evolved as a simple spire. The jet started its activity at 12:58 UT and lasted until 13:02 UT. Middle panel and right panel: the LOS HMI magnetogram image at 11:58 UT, before the jet evolution, and at 13:19 UT, after the jet evolution, respectively. Negative flux cancellation was observed near the positive-polarity region shown by white arrows. This magnetic activity lasted for a few hours and was co-temporal and co-spatial with the jet activity.
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