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Table B.4

Integrated line strengths Iint (W m-2) for additional emission lines in the PACS spectra of OT2 carbon stars observed in the old observation setting, and LL Peg, which cannot be attributed to CO or H2O and remain unidentified.

QZ Mus V821 Her V1417 Aql S Cep RV Cyg LL Peg

PACS λ 0 I int
band μm (W m-2)

R1B 180.7 1.90e-17 (26.55%) 2.00e-17 (27.29%) 2.80e-17 (23.79%) 1.30e-17 (35.75%) / /
173.9 1.49e-17 (31.97%) / 2.31e-17 (29.72%) / / 6.05e-17 (22.01%)
173.4 1.90e-17 (26.55%) / 1.60e-17 (31.40%) / / / /
172.8 1.47e-17 (33.62%) / / / / /
R1A 145.0 / / / / / 8.79e-17 (20.70%)
143.2 1.41e-17 (22.58%) 2.74e-17 (22.99%) 2.83e-17 (22.20%) 2.70e-17 (21.70%) / /
139.3 1.97e-17 (23.64%) / 3.31e-17 (27.02%) 4.87e-17 (20.94%) 1.36e-17 (23.48%) /
137.9 1.45e-17 (22.25%) / 2.80e-17 (23.83%) 4.61e-17 (21.45%) 1.59e-17 (22.93%) /
109.0 / 2.83e-17 (26.78%) 5.03e-17 (21.45%) 4.16e-17 (23.67%) / 9.49e-17 (23.80%)
108.5 / 3.09e-17 (26.27%) 1.87e-17 (39.49%) 5.26e-17 (23.64%) / /
B2B 90.3 / / / 1.45e-17 (33.86%) / /
89.5 5.84e-17 (24.64%) / 6.78e-17 (23.04%) 5.22e-17 (23.03%) / 8.10e-17 (25.62%)
87.3 / 5.96e-17 (27.94%) 5.61e-17 (26.36%) 3.51e-17 (30.60%) / /
71.8 / / / 1.57e-17 (35.75%) / /
71.6 2.40e-17 (32.39%) / / / / /

Notes. The approximate central wavelength λ0 (μm) of the emission line is indicated. The percentages between brackets give the uncertainty on Iint, which includes both the fitting uncertainty and the PACS absolute-flux calibration uncertainty of 20%. Line strengths indicated with are flagged for potential line blends.

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