Fig. 5
Top left: part of the 2D low-resolution spectrum of PNV J03093063+2638031 we obtained on 23 Nov. 2014, when the object was shining at V = 16.7 during the advanced decline from outburst maximum. The wavelength range covers from 6393 Å at the top to 6821 Å at the bottom and shows the Hα spatially extended nebula as recorded with the spectrograph slit alligned east-west. The weak and fuzzy spectrum at left is that of 2MASS 03093473+2638101, a nearby R = 12.4 mag star barely intercepted by the slit. Bottom left: tracing along the spatial axis of the same spectrum of PNV J03093063+2638031 shown on the top panel. The thicker red line traces along the emission from the nebula, while the shaded profile traces just away from the nebula to provide a reference. Right panels: the same for the 26 Dec. 2014 spectrum, this time with the slit oriented north-south and when PNV J03093063+2638031 was at V = 18.1 mag. The weak spectrum at right is that of 2MASS 03092963+2638367, a nearby R = 17.5 mag star marginally intercepted by the slit.
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