Table 2

Number of disruptive collisions expected for a target of R = 2 km located in each disk zone as a function of the exponent q of the differential size distribution.

Target zone

−2.5 58.0 (51.2) 28.7 (20.7) 12.3 (9.6)
−3.0 94.5 (75.0) 39.7 (23.7) 12.1 (7.9)
−3.5 190.6 (137.7) 70.2 (35.3) 15.4 (8.2)

Notes. The first row reports the target zone. The first column gives the value of q. Each box reports the number of catastrophic collisions expected over 400 My. In parentheses we report the same quantity estimated by using the dynamical state of the disk after 100 My of evolution, instead of that shown in the top panel of Fig. 1 (300 My). The number of catastrophic collisions is smaller, but it is nevertheless much larger than unity in all cases.

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