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Table 1

Raw statistics of the USNO Martian photographic plates that were digitized at ROB.

Serie Instrument Year Month Emulsion Exp. time (s) Mars Phobos Deimos

01 61i 1967 4 103aG-103aJ 1040 88 67 81
02 61i 1969 56 103aJ-IIIaJ 790 283 219 204
03 26i 1971 89 103aJ 1060 95 95 65
04 26i 1973 10 103aJ 2090 94 93 93
05 26i 1975 12 103aG-103aJ 3090 141 92 134
06 26i 1978 12 103aG 3060 42 33 21
07 26i 1980 23 103aG 3062 24 16 9
08 61i 1982 3 103aG-IIIaJ 1050 58 35 37
09 26i 1984 45 103aG 4060 24 18 20
10 26i, 61i 1986 7 103aG-IIaD 360 66 51 61
11 26i 1988 910 103aG 1090 63 60 54
12 26i 1990 1112 103aG 3050 78 48 57
13 26i 1995 2 103aG 3050 21 15 20
14 26i 1997 3 103aG 4045 9 5 9

Total 1086 847 865

Notes. The Mars and satellite columns give the numbers of corresponding objects that could be measured on the plates.

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