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Table 4

Dust parameters and evolutionary timescales for different photospheric parameters of RGB stars

T R T dust Age
(M yr-1) (K) (R) (K) (yr)

1 × 10-10 4000 10 25 16 548
20 28 23 641
5000 10 27 37 802
20 31 50 164
1 × 10-9 4000 10 17 52 163
20 19 74 736
5000 10 19 107 675
20 20.5 171 636
5 × 10-9 4000 10 15 75 957
20 16 125 070
5000 10 15.5 198 868
20 17 300 273
3 × 10-8 4000 10 13 116 681
20 13.5 208 958
5000 10 13.5 299 198
20 14 53 7481

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