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Table 2

Photospheric and dust parameters of Li-rich K giants with IR excess.

Star [Fe/H] T eff log g Log(L/L) R / R T dust t
(K) (M yr-1) (K) (yr)

HD 233517 0.37 4475 2.25 2.00 16.6655 1.88577E-07 75 1262.99
HD 219025 0.10 4570 2.30 1.88 13.9179 6.02185E-09 275 40.3312
HD 19745 0.05 4700 2.25 1.90 13.4651 3.50690E-09 170 117.437
IRAS 13539-4153 0.13 2.25 4300 1.60 11.3885 3.27951E-08 230 47.0666
IRAS 17596-3952 0.10 2.50 4600 1.70 11.1658 2.37905E-08 190 85.3588
IRAS 13313-5838 0.09 2.20 4540 1.85 13.6236 1.29749E-07 260 46.553
PDS 100 0.14 4500 2.50 1.70 11.6676 1.48663E-08 250 29.87

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