Fig. 5
Li-rich (filled triangles) and Li-normal (open triangles) giants with good quality data are superposed with dust shell evolutionary models. Different colors; magenta, green, cyan, and blue represent the loops of the evolution of a dust shell with mass-loss rates, 1 × 10-10, 1 × 10-9, 5 × 10-9, and 3 × 10-8, respectively. Four varieties of lines in each color indicate the different photospheric temperatures and radius, Teff = 5000 K, R = 20 R⊙, Teff = 4000 K, R = 20 R⊙, Teff = 5000 K, R = 10 R⊙, Teff = 4000 K, R = 10 R⊙ of the dust shell hosting stars, radially outward, respectively.
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