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Table 1

Physical and orbital parameters of the HD 200964 system corresponding to the best fit of Johnson et al. (2011), our RV adjustment and the solution obtained from the simulation of planet formation (JD = 2 453 213.895 corresponding to the first observation from Johnson et al. 2011).

Object Parameter Johnson et al. (2011) RV adjustment Simulated
(without jitter) solution
Median Confidence Median Confidence
values interval values interval

HD 200964 Mass (M) 1.44 1.57 1.57
HD 200964 b m sin I (MJ) 1.85 [1.73;2.0] 2.05 [1.5;2.2] 2.0
a(AU) 1.60 [1.599;1.602] 1.68 [1.6;1.7] 1.67
e 0.040 [0.038;0.044] 0.085 [0.01;0.15] 0.036
λ (deg) 0.75 [300;370] 101.6
ϖ (deg) 288 [176;335] 184 [97;305] 151
HD 200964 c m sin I(MJ) 0.895 [0.832;1.018] 0.89 [0.85;1.45] 0.90
a(AU) 1.95 [1.945;1.958] 2.08 [1.9;2.4] 2.03
e 0.181 [0.164;0.205] 0.475 [0.2;0.6] 0.122
λ (deg) 268 [260;370] 14.8
ϖ (deg) 182 [125;250] 304 [270;350] 293

wrms m/s 6.8 5.26 7.8

1.15 2.5 3.7

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