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Table E.1

Orbital elements of future barycentric orbits, that is, after suffering the planetary perturbations for all models described in Table C.1.

Comet Epoch T q e ω Ω i 1 /afut
[yyyymmdd] [yyyymmdd.dddddd] [AU] [ ° ] [ ° ] [ ° ] [10-6 AU-1]
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

C/1902 R1 22100426 19021124.008464 0.40184116 0.99965002 152.815403 50.627736 156.403506 870.94
±0.000019 ±0.00000033 ±0.00000069 ±0.000086 ±0.000088 ±0.000037 ±1.71
C/1902 X1 21990801 19030323.651406 2.78159684 1.00122340 5.932702 118.796694 43.858159 439.82
±0.002538 ±0.00001339 ±0.00002014 ±0.000770 ±0.000085 ±0.000262 ±7.24
C/1903 M1 21900120 19030828.359623 0.33314041 1.00033647 127.333709 295.030879 84.934214 1010.01
±0.000136 ±0.00000153 ±0.00000318 ±0.000266 ±0.000058 ±0.000200 ±9.55
C/1904 Y1 22080725 19041104.322846 1.88304686 0.99934541 40.729565 219.768501 99.640020 347.62
±0.013289 ±0.00010131 ±0.00022098 ±0.006727 ±0.000580 ±0.000593 ±117.37
C/1906 B1 22000329 19051224.093101 1.28893207 1.00051887 89.763925 287.836952 126.593908 402.56
±0.000459 ±0.00000338 ±0.00002960 ±0.000344 ±0.000313 ±0.000199 ±22.96
22021224 19051224.081525 1.28876275 1.00019277 89.750691 287.838945 126.593965 149.58
±0.003074 ±0.00004399 ±0.00009521 ±0.003441 ±0.000635 ±0.000194 ±73.87
C/1906 E1 22020319 19051017.757182 3.34445809 1.00177097 158.629204 343.663142 4.280140 529.52
±0.001897 ±0.00001428 ±0.00001853 ±0.000819 ±0.000733 ±0.000190 ±5.54
C/1907 E1 22040131 19070320.176742 2.04521487 1.00057480 317.069049 98.573559 141.673192 281.04
±0.001723 ±0.00001627 ±0.00004407 ±0.000814 ±0.000221 ±0.000193 ±21.54
C/1911 S3 22090720 19111011.596948 0.30043610 0.99997575 71.589527 89.279608 96.563646 80.70
±0.000548 ±0.00000079 ±0.00001106 ±0.000386 ±0.000422 ±0.000553 ±36.80
22210227 19111011.613216 0.30042613 0.99968737 71.591551 89.281396 96.569195 1040.62
±0.003643 ±0.00000226 ±0.00006152 ±0.000534 ±0.000529 ±0.001329 ±204.78
C/1912 R1 22060517 19121005.284559 0.71584674 1.00026544 25.598506 298.263151 79.808281 370.81
±0.000055 ±0.00000088 ±0.00000377 ±0.000110 ±0.000111 ±0.000084 ±5.27
C/1913 Y1 22131027 19141026.924754 1.10518625 0.99993766 97.460986 60.292940 67.982189 56.41
±0.000074 ±0.00000079 ±0.00000143 ±0.000028 ±0.000024 ±0.000043 ±1.30
22140224 19141026.924707 1.10515434 0.99990403 97.458874 60.292937 67.982497 86.84
±0.000072 ±0.00000460 ±0.00000467 ±0.000300 ±0.000023 ±0.000059 ±4.23
C/1914 F1 22310903 19140605.374133 1.18818561 0.99822733 71.900648 200.113641 23.956594 1491.91
±0.000210 ±0.00000581 ±0.00003377 ±0.000279 ±0.000334 ±0.000349 ±28.43
22310506 19140605.383588 1.18811153 0.99824831 71.895811 200.118493 23.950336 1474.34
±0.002600 ±0.00001532 ±0.00004474 ±0.001262 ±0.001861 ±0.001799 ±37.67
C/1914 M1 22170827 19140730.313104 3.74262397 0.99996809 13.874513 271.460496 71.079539 8.53
±0.010833 ±0.00006880 ±0.00009356 ±0.002108 ±0.000169 ±0.000423 ±25.00
C/1916 G1 22260313 19170618.004132 1.68486080 0.99868344 120.734220 184.255647 25.636610 781.41
±0.000249 ±0.00000104 ±0.00000539 ±0.000142 ±0.000054 ±0.000045 ±3.20
22260313 19170618.002781 1.68482103 0.99867953 120.732445 184.255375 25.636480 783.75
±0.000285 ±0.00000571 ±0.00001481 ±0.000275 ±0.000066 ±0.000079 ±8.79
C/1919 Q2 22171225 19191208.123284 1.11801549 1.00003007 185.783020 122.055357 46.365671 26.89
±0.002011 ±0.00002841 ±0.00007526 ±0.002443 ±0.000557 ±0.000179 ±67.31
C/1921 E1 22140224 19210510.725714 1.00362490 1.00049067 64.338847 269.351069 132.108442 488.90
±0.000333 ±0.00000145 ±0.00003778 ±0.000239 ±0.000282 ±0.000123 ±37.64
22170320 19210510.725850 1.00355226 1.00021161 64.332073 269.349172 132.109300 210.87
±0.001774 ±0.00002192 ±0.00009696 ±0.002369 ±0.000497 ±0.000210 ±96.61
C/1922 U1 22170320 19221026.356621 2.26579397 1.00122836 118.400924 221.526423 51.410666 542.13
±0.001274 ±0.00000754 ±0.00001929 ±0.000480 ±0.000054 ±0.000035 ±8.51
C/1925 F1 22301127 19250905.761751 4.18479767 0.99946443 205.679732 358.527886 146.715638 127.98
±0.004022 ±0.00002335 ±0.00003486 ±0.000573 ±0.000097 ±0.000144 ±8.33
C/1925 G1 22171006 19250401.599089 1.10790258 1.00058995 36.149443 319.121445 99.886189 532.49
±0.000224 ±0.00000311 ±0.00000637 ±0.000282 ±0.000059 ±0.000081 ±5.74
C/1925 W1 22210518 19251003.313123 1.56877876 1.00049850 106.484194 335.500024 49.276562 317.76
±0.000286 ±0.00001517 ±0.00001508 ±0.000597 ±0.000042 ±0.000414 ±9.61
C/1932 M1 22290406 19320924.831765 1.64649976 1.00040467 69.763011 246.059025 78.330249 245.77
±0.001018 ±0.00001203 ±0.00003194 ±0.000641 ±0.000225 ±0.000200 ±19.40
C/1932 M2 22300730 19320921.652251 2.30775841 1.00052850 329.645277 216.182491 125.017993 229.01
±0.000480 ±0.00000273 ±0.00000709 ±0.000144 ±0.000058 ±0.000050 ±3.07
C/1935 Q1 22360807 19360511.495408 4.03970045 1.00115405 44.839534 300.607693 66.119413 285.68
±0.001671 ±0.00000994 ±0.00002096 ±0.000252 ±0.000060 ±0.000051 ±5.19
C/1937 C1 22540505 19370620.739997 1.71646743 0.99760231 107.371079 128.427941 41.478490 1396.88
±0.000458 ±0.00000408 ±0.00001230 ±0.000299 ±0.000104 ±0.000083 ±7.17
22540326 19370620.736751 1.71645095 0.99762556 107.368860 128.427721 41.478508 1383.34
±0.001577 ±0.00001050 ±0.00002006 ±0.001035 ±0.000152 ±0.000087 ±11.69
C/1937 N1 22370911 19370815.710412 0.85988734 0.99983290 114.636164 59.325102 146.421365 194.32
±0.000147 ±0.00000043 ±0.00003483 ±0.000405 ±0.000235 ±0.000195 ±40.51
22380218 19370815.715783 0.85990802 0.99980114 114.641669 59.325890 146.423252 231.25
±0.001815 ±0.00002536 ±0.00014765 ±0.002542 ±0.000772 ±0.000625 ±171.71
C/1940 R2 22210806 19410115.372565 0.37020628 1.00060367 199.642916 296.590685 49.670477 1630.62
±0.000073 ±0.00000271 ±0.00000657 ±0.000117 ±0.000141 ±0.000171 ±17.75
22221129 19410115.373155 0.37020004 1.00055310 199.639408 296.591043 49.669507 1494.06
±0.000183 ±0.00000311 ±0.00001323 ±0.000646 ±0.000184 ±0.000154 ±35.72
C/1940 S1 22310506 19400816.426110 1.05927916 1.00074474 329.790299 128.282572 133.042273 703.06
±0.020134 ±0.00042718 ±0.00045228 ±0.036971 ±0.006163 ±0.001158 ±426.69
C/1941 K1 22410712 19410904.986298 0.86551738 0.99985613 85.103947 257.564985 94.558245 166.22
±0.000077 ±0.00000031 ±0.00000213 ±0.000038 ±0.000024 ±0.000108 ±2.47
C/1942 C1 22320719 19420430.287518 1.44687232 1.00117778 223.445496 340.917068 79.307804 814.02
±0.000120 ±0.00000079 ±0.00000482 ±0.000077 ±0.000017 ±0.000063 ±3.33
22321226 19420430.286227 1.44684302 1.00112229 223.443680 340.917930 79.307463 775.68
±0.000390 ±0.00001091 ±0.00001243 ±0.000555 ±0.000293 ±0.000203 ±8.59
C/1942 C2 22430304 19420925.248677 4.10166979 1.00114131 163.296372 281.066902 172.512207 278.26
±0.007699 ±0.00003144 ±0.00005528 ±0.001447 ±0.000849 ±0.000123 ±13.47
C/1944 K2 22390215 19440718.115518 2.22184587 1.00115253 336.928234 203.612746 94.989126 518.73
±0.001858 ±0.00001318 ±0.00002848 ±0.000683 ±0.000193 ±0.000156 ±12.82
C/1946 C1 22500307 19460412.859596 1.72038322 0.99933427 54.182409 129.696232 72.941443 386.97
±0.000352 ±0.00000321 ±0.00000791 ±0.000211 ±0.000055 ±0.000056 ±4.60
22490928 19460412.860782 1.72036623 0.99940339 54.181924 129.696514 72.941172 346.80
±0.000603 ±0.00000764 ±0.00000964 ±0.000402 ±0.000053 ±0.000055 ±5.61
C/1946 P1 22450621 19461026.922779 1.13244087 0.99997447 320.262683 238.420478 56.958209 22.55
±0.000509 ±0.00000300 ±0.00000575 ±0.000284 ±0.000193 ±0.000063 ±5.08
C/1946 U1 22471228 19470207.503759 2.41255932 0.99993675 348.625816 35.533705 108.158906 26.22
±0.000434 ±0.00000210 ±0.00001094 ±0.000140 ±0.000048 ±0.000048 ±4.54
22480317 19470207.500365 2.41252207 0.99989415 348.624376 35.533900 108.158812 43.88
±0.001228 ±0.00001314 ±0.00001573 ±0.000512 ±0.000069 ±0.000051 ±6.52
C/1947 S1 22411219 19480216.805182 0.74487969 1.00026541 350.247822 271.579999 140.472078 356.31
±0.000086 ±0.00000076 ±0.00000258 ±0.000181 ±0.000231 ±0.000079 ±3.46
22420925 19480216.803521 0.74482539 1.00020675 350.241846 271.579407 140.472235 277.59
±0.000310 ±0.00000550 ±0.00000870 ±0.000620 ±0.000206 ±0.000061 ±11.68
C/1947 Y1 22471009 19480216.304140 1.49784258 0.99991866 61.829573 199.327504 77.567907 54.31
±0.000211 ±0.00000338 ±0.00001273 ±0.000217 ±0.000072 ±0.000061 ±8.50
C/1948 E1 22481112 19480516.423445 2.10546507 0.99992587 66.831432 247.667975 92.893283 35.21
±0.000277 ±0.00000244 ±0.00000577 ±0.000127 ±0.000044 ±0.000033 ±2.74
C/1948 T1 22520624 19470903.674841 3.27021985 0.99926416 73.548717 122.147554 155.105084 225.01
±0.010358 ±0.00011088 ±0.00003285 ±0.001821 ±0.000214 ±0.000259 ±10.05
C/1950 K1 22550321 19510114.572471 2.57371784 0.99928354 192.416020 38.885979 144.138428 278.37
±0.000396 ±0.00000139 ±0.00000561 ±0.000093 ±0.000048 ±0.000031 ±2.18

Notes. The successive columns signify (1) – comet designation; (2) – epoch, that is, osculation date; (3) – perihelion time [TT]; (4) – perihelion distance; (5) – eccentricity; (6) – argument of perihelion (in degrees), equinox 2000.0; (7) – longitude of the ascending node (in degrees), equinox 2000.0; (8) – inclination (in degrees), equinox 2000.0; (9) – reciprocal future semi-major axis in units of 10-6 AU-1. Future orbits determined using the NG model of motion are indicated by light grey shading.

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