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Table B.1

Orbital elements of osculating heliocentric orbits for all models described in Table C.1.

Comet Epoch T q e ω Ω i 1 /aosc
[yyyymmdd] [yyyymmdd.dddddd] [AU] [ ° ] [ ° ] [ ° ] [10-6 AU-1]
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

C/1902 R1 19021127 19021124.356684 0.40107241 0.99996675 152.983569 50.740193 156.354721 82.897510
±.000025 ±.00000033 ±.00000068 ±.000085 ±.000087 ±.000036 ±1.714706
C/1902 X1 19030327 19030323.974159 2.77348499 1.00047034 5.830937 118.810872 43.894598 169.586058
±.002541 ±.00001328 ±.00001976 ±.000781 ±.000085 ±.000258 ±7.124391
C/1903 M1 19030903 19030828.108377 0.33018087 1.00040917 127.251980 294.909653 85.015231 1239.232832
±.000058 ±.00000150 ±.00000310 ±.000260 ±.000054 ±.000197 ±9.400340
C/1904 Y1 19041116 19041103.774111 1.88176420 1.00034373 40.723034 219.786197 99.600058 182.662119
±.013312 ±.00010009 ±.00022266 ±.006760 ±.000583 ±.000577 ±118.316762
C/1906 B1 19051221 19051222.834099 1.29656822 1.00118940 89.875094 287.700661 126.443151 917.341741
±.000635 ±.00000329 ±.00002875 ±.000333 ±.000299 ±.000191 ±22.172663
19051221 19051222.827139 1.29649411 1.00071452 89.873443 287.702585 126.443226 551.119344
±.001939 ±.00001882 ±.00012808 ±.000523 ±.000592 ±.000188 ±98.785605
C/1906 E1 19051002 19051018.260509 3.33984993 1.00154602 158.599798 343.621657 4.282129 462.902333
±.001894 ±.00001427 ±.00001830 ±.000814 ±.000729 ±.000190 ±5.480122
C/1907 E1 19070309 19070319.606941 2.05167901 1.00099244 317.118563 98.484125 141.659654 483.718771
±.001690 ±.00001611 ±.00004395 ±.000810 ±.000214 ±.000193 ±21.419803
C/1911 S3 19111011 19111010.764058 0.30342194 1.00017379 71.712390 89.896351 96.463409 572.782721
±.000076 ±.00000078 ±.00001128 ±.000390 ±.000423 ±.000556 ±37.169996
19111011 19111010.764561 0.30341412 0.99988293 71.714197 89.898109 96.469009 385.827118
±.000128 ±.00000178 ±.00006089 ±.000508 ±.000531 ±.001332 ±200.696777
C/1912 R1 19121005 19121005.453192 0.71607473 1.00045667 25.621533 298.246936 79.809959 637.746537
±.000053 ±.00000084 ±.00000377 ±.000108 ±.000110 ±.000085 ±5.267842
C/1913 Y1 19141104 19141026.767056 1.10445641 1.00016199 97.467346 60.396107 68.038294 146.670259
±.000062 ±.00000079 ±.00000143 ±.000028 ±.000024 ±.000042 ±1.291169
19141104 19141026.767012 1.10444242 1.00009618 97.467000 60.396112 68.038602 87.082819
±.000062 ±.00000218 ±.00000906 ±.000059 ±.000023 ±.000059 ±8.203185
C/1914 F1 19140528 19140604.693158 1.19853665 1.00018867 72.224168 200.117415 23.914811 157.414076
±.000256 ±.00000529 ±.00003381 ±.000277 ±.000322 ±.000339 ±28.212597
19140528 19140604.695930 1.19844515 0.99971941 72.225088 200.114528 23.909795 234.127010
±.000549 ±.00002359 ±.00012683 ±.000443 ±.000812 ±.001379 ±105.833235
C/1914 M1 19140816 19140730.491036 3.74680509 1.00325348 14.000020 271.513791 71.041017 868.335053
±.010771 ±.00006838 ±.00009295 ±.002102 ±.000168 ±.000427 ±24.783913
C/1916 G1 19170621 19170617.074175 1.68644587 0.99937443 120.621838 184.457271 25.659093 370.940610
±.000244 ±.00000103 ±.00000541 ±.000141 ±.000054 ±.000045 ±3.207311
19170621 19170617.074377 1.68642132 0.99932117 120.621627 184.457166 25.658821 402.529745
±.000274 ±.00000382 ±.00000954 ±.000182 ±.000054 ±.000063 ±5.658616
C/1919 Q2 19191118 19191207.809648 1.11527223 1.00020566 185.753567 122.098062 46.381870 184.402616
±.002096 ±.00002732 ±.00007480 ±.002470 ±.000560 ±.000174 ±67.069931
C/1921 E1 19210421 19210510.449383 1.00845704 1.00049609 64.491010 269.440232 132.187612 491.931566
±.000308 ±.00000145 ±.00003777 ±.000236 ±.000293 ±.000113 ±37.457531
19210421 19210510.453240 1.00843659 1.00018145 64.493716 269.438264 132.188366 179.930464
±.000810 ±.00000434 ±.00007412 ±.000563 ±.000509 ±.000185 ±73.500349
C/1922 U1 19221102 19221026.532142 2.25878685 1.00079818 118.298884 221.578280 51.456548 353.365654
±.001333 ±.00000759 ±.00001927 ±.000483 ±.000054 ±.000036 ±8.530040
C/1925 F1 19250907 19250906.941564 4.18078079 1.00243417 205.759883 358.539358 146.713185 582.227554
±.003963 ±.00002336 ±.00003527 ±.000570 ±.000095 ±.000143 ±8.429946
C/1925 G1 19250331 19250401.506580 1.10948315 1.00060414 36.181542 319.109303 100.022632 544.519568
±.000240 ±.00000309 ±.00000642 ±.000283 ±.000059 ±.000080 ±5.784550
C/1925 W1 19251017 19251002.973357 1.56621518 1.00037453 106.398480 335.612555 49.329746 239.133330
±.000325 ±.00001487 ±.00001486 ±.000589 ±.000042 ±.000404 ±9.487854
C/1932 M1 19320910 19320924.551075 1.64736493 1.00046840 69.787385 246.090506 78.388394 284.333505
±.000982 ±.00001195 ±.00003229 ±.000647 ±.000230 ±.000200 ±19.598751
C/1932 M2 19320910 19320921.074056 2.31356998 1.00140517 329.693866 216.093463 124.988856 607.359409
±.000474 ±.00000273 ±.00000708 ±.000143 ±.000057 ±.000050 ±3.060104
C/1935 Q1 19360422 19360511.635659 4.04341779 1.00206616 44.895725 300.561472 66.112186 510.993085
±.001683 ±.00000969 ±.00002076 ±.000252 ±.000059 ±.000052 ±5.131166
C/1937 C1 19370706 19370620.063073 1.73378655 1.00014288 107.734884 128.608042 41.551513 82.409381
±.000498 ±.00000401 ±.00001263 ±.000305 ±.000110 ±.000084 ±7.285233
19370706 19370620.061675 1.73378562 1.00014873 107.734189 128.607821 41.551548 85.786161
±.000746 ±.00000410 ±.00001307 ±.000445 ±.000150 ±.000089 ±7.541101
C/1937 N1 19370815 19370815.665333 0.86274422 1.00005979 114.835849 59.420445 146.415278 69.304214
±.000189 ±.00000040 ±.00003586 ±.000396 ±.000220 ±.000197 ±41.563567
19370815 19370815.666463 0.86274100 0.99976776 114.837745 59.421272 146.416972 269.188447
±.000525 ±.00000111 ±.00010937 ±.001203 ±.000665 ±.000529 ±126.765790
C/1940 R2 19410106 19410116.233869 0.36774076 1.00050751 199.568992 296.590441 49.894827 1380.069563
±.000068 ±.00000272 ±.00000650 ±.000117 ±.000141 ±.000173 ±17.681186
19410106 19410116.234772 0.36774724 1.00040431 199.570995 296.590817 49.893846 1099.416086
±.000092 ±.00000232 ±.00001067 ±.000226 ±.000180 ±.000157 ±29.027267
C/1940 S1 19400730 19400815.741520 1.06134353 1.00101170 329.641162 128.060306 133.112612 953.224013
±.018720 ±.00042312 ±.00044419 0.036347 ±.006071 ±.001116 ±418.312774
C/1941 K1 19410903 19410903.184122 0.87479022 1.00026410 85.321879 257.559607 94.517037 301.899679
±.000051 ±.00000031 ±.00000216 ±.000038 ±.000024 ±.000106 ±2.473802
C/1942 C1 19420501 19420430.833684 1.44530230 1.00088319 223.415778 340.934552 79.451905 611.075849
±.000116 ±.00000079 ±.00000480 ±.000076 ±.000017 ±.000063 ±3.321178
19420501 19420430.834279 1.44528980 1.00082711 223.416090 340.934741 79.451445 572.277141
±.000236 ±.00000580 ±.00002112 ±.000147 ±.000065 ±.000242 ±14.612225
C/1942 C2 19421008 19420927.280025 4.11339144 1.00316671 163.620216 281.038570 172.514474 769.854598
±.007703 ±.00003196 ±.00005609 ±.001441 ±.000853 ±.000124 ±13.624279
C/1944 K2 19440601 19440717.611796 2.22594125 1.00205322 336.973475 203.500207 95.004881 922.405433
±.001868 ±.00001342 ±.00002843 ±.000686 ±.000194 ±.000159 ±12.770486
C/1946 C1 19460410 19460413.264312 1.72412209 1.00114441 54.328447 129.664999 72.842650 663.763946
±.000368 ±.00000318 ±.00000801 ±.000213 ±.000056 ±.000056 ±4.644041
19460410 19460413.262573 1.72409711 1.00106980 54.327041 129.665283 72.842371 620.496849
±.000674 ±.00000356 ±.00000939 ±.000428 ±.000052 ±.000054 ±5.444341
C/1946 P1 19461027 19461026.778759 1.13610604 1.00076873 320.412716 238.335364 56.964608 676.638371
±.000498 ±.00000296 ±.00000562 ±.000277 ±.000188 ±.000062 ±4.943135
C/1946 U1 19470224 19470207.362613 2.40766593 1.00094633 348.624706 35.558527 108.174444 393.047880
±.000422 ±.00000218 ±.00001085 ±.000140 ±.000049 ±.000048 ±4.504928
19470224 19470207.363185 2.40764364 1.00089117 348.624923 35.558720 108.174352 370.143668
±.000519 ±.00000786 ±.00001917 ±.000177 ±.000068 ±.000051 ±7.800650
C/1947 S1 19480219 19480216.423429 0.74812370 1.00035570 350.214858 271.439960 140.568349 475.455030
±.000066 ±.00000075 ±.00000258 ±.000179 ±.000229 ±.000078 ±3.453175
19480219 19480216.422309 0.74810617 1.00023485 350.213385 271.439361 140.568516 313.924888
±.000138 ±.00000196 ±.00001240 ±.000206 ±.000208 ±.000062 ±16.575559
C/1947 Y1 19480219 19480216.691915 1.49955491 1.00108229 61.923925 199.300972 77.533200 721.741506
±.000266 ±.00000327 ±.00001286 ±.000215 ±.000072 ±.000061 ±8.577917
C/1948 E1 19480509 19480516.612175 2.10705582 1.00077771 66.898096 247.652645 92.919469 369.095825
±.000281 ±.00000236 ±.00000570 ±.000124 ±.000043 ±.000032 ±2.703396
C/1948 T1 19470912 19470904.429515 3.26110877 1.00227683 73.464822 122.120668 155.077948 698.175954
±.010323 ±.00011350 ±.00003289 ±.001866 ±.000217 ±.000265 ±10.071964
C/1950 K1 19510203 19510115.043740 2.57232857 1.00121061 192.468633 38.890330 144.155175 470.626833
±.000378 ±.00000139 ±.00000556 ±.000092 ±.000047 ±.000031 ±2.161805

Notes. The successive columns signify (1) – comet designation; (2) – epoch, that is, osculation date; (3) – perihelion time [TT]; (4) – perihelion distance; (5) – eccentricity; (6) – argument of perihelion (in degrees), equinox 2000.0; (7) – longitude of the ascending node (in degrees), equinox 2000.0; (8) – inclination (in degrees), equinox 2000.0; (9) – reciprocal semi-major axis in units of 10-6 AU-1. Osculating orbits determined using the NG model of motion are indicated by light grey shading.

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