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Table A.2

Collected (-) observations ((comet-star) positions in right ascension and declination).

Comet Number of Number of Per cent of P r e l i m i n a r y  g r a v i t a t i o n a l  s o l u t i o n 
- recalculated recalculated b e f o r e PPM a f t e r PPM
obs. positions observations rms [.̋] No. of residuals rms [.̋] No. of residuals
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

C/1902 R1 1175 753 51 3.76 2454 3.53 2472
C/1902 X1 606 436 59 3.48 1290 3.37 1301
C/1903 M1 430 379 65 4.39 920 3.76 920
C/1904 Y1 150 132 80 3.32 300 3.26 301
C/1906 B1 226 135 51 4.45 456 3.77 450
C/1906 E1 369 315 68 2.45 775 2.58 806
C/1907 E1 157 129 72 4.14 304 2.82 292
C/1911 S3 137 86 63 3.83 243 3.27 261
C/1912 R1 864 726 77 3.84 1635 2.91 1646
C/1913 Y1 947 788 78 3.33 1773 2.70 1798
C/1914 F1 266 229 92 4.10 496 3.88 500
C/1914 M1 47 29 41 2.83 122 2.41 118
C/1916 G1 375 291 62 3.49 760 3.14 836
C/1919 Q2 247 208 75 3.38 488 2.58 498
C/1921 E1 498 392 69 4.64 827 4.49 916
C/1922 U1 409 276 57 2.62 738 2.57 823
C/1925 F1 193 157 59 4.48 449 4.34 472
C/1925 G1 409 366 61 4.89 946 4.71 968
C/1925 W1 246 201 59 2.92 541 2.39 564
C/1932 M1 111 90 48 3.52 314 2.89 316
C/1932 M2 165 96 29 2.13 521 2.13 536
C/1935 Q1 16 4 3 1.63 248 1.62 248
C/1937 C1 220 187 45 4.42 745 3.49 729
C/1937 N1 170 153 37 3.69 733 3.01 745
C/1940 R2 127 113 31 2.33 612 2.19 605
C/1940 S1 5 2 6 5.11 65 5.10 65
C/1941 K1 111 93 20 3.09 769 3.26 778
C/1942 C1 39 38 17 2.41 414 2.41 414
C/1942 C2 0 0 0 1.65 88 1.65 88
C/1944 K2 0 0 0 1.58 56 1.58 56
C/1946 C1 78 54 11 2.71 828 2.71 828
C/1946 P1 8 5 3 1.13 254 1.13 254
C/1946 U1 33 20 14 1.88 252 1.88 254
C/1947 S1 64 59 18 4.62 551 4.32 553
C/1947 Y1 4 4 3 1.44 198 1.44 198
C/1948 E1 26 23 9 2.44 400 2.31 401
C/1948 T1 0 0 0 0.94 52 0.94 52
C/1950 K1 0 0 0 1.28 466 1.28 466

Notes. Column (3) shows the number of recalculated (-) positions using the PPM catalogue, their percentage in comparison to the entire data set collected here (see Col. (5) of Table A.1) is given in Col. (4). The rms and number of residuals taken for preliminary solution are given in Cols. (5)–(6) – before position recalculations based on PPM catalogue, and in Cols. (7)–(8) – after this recalculation. In some cases only (-) data were published – where a significant number of these observations were successfully processed using the PPM star catalogue are marked by in Col. (8).

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