Fig. 5

Same as in Fig. 4 for GR solutions for 13 comets where we determined NG effects (compare also with Fig. 6). Four negative 1 /aori,GR belong to comets from left to right: C/1911 S3 (q = 0.303 AU, orbital quality class: 2a/2b, MW08: 2A), C/1906 B1 (q = 1.30 AU, class: 2a, MW08: 1B), C/1921 E1 (q = 1.01 AU, class: 2a, MW08: 1B) and C/1940 R2 (q = 0.368 AU, class: 1b, MW08: 1B). Two more points with large uncertainties of 1 /aori,GR represent comets C/1937 N1 (q = 0.863 AU, class: 2a, MW08: 2A) and C/1914 F1 (q = 1.20 AU, class: 2a/2b, MW08: 2A). Our values of the original inverse semi-major axis for C/1946 U1 (q = 2.41 AU) and C/1937 C1 (q = 1.73 AU) are almost the same as in MW08; hence the steel-blue points are invisible.
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