Fig. 4

Comparison between 1 /aori,GR (red and dark red points and their error bars) for 25 comets with indeterminable NG effects and values given in MW08 (light and dark steel-blue points), where the uncertainties were assumed to be the same as ours (dotted error bars). The upper panel presents comets of first-class orbits, while the bottom panel shows six comets having second-class orbits according to the new, more restrictive quality assessment. C/1903 M1, C/1904 Y1, and C/1940 S1 belong to the comets with the shortest intervals of observations among all investigated objects (less than 0.42 yr). On the other hand, three comets with the largest 1 /a-uncertainties among first-class orbits (C/1914 M1, C/1942 C2 and C/1944 K2) were observed for more than 1 yr.
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